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We are often asked ––– why do we offer this book for free?
Here are some important reasons why:
To do this, we rely on the generosity of believers in Yeshua who hold dear what Paul said:
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).
Your generous gift today will help our ministry to share the gospel with Jewish people and to equip more Christians to pray for and serve Jewish people everywhere! As a thank you, we want to send you a special gift.
As the nation of Israel continues to defend her people and borders, how can we know that Israel’s future will indeed be glorious? By exploring the ancient prophecies, Israel’s Glorious Future reveals the faithfulness of God to the everlasting covenants.
Chosen People Ministries is a charter member of
the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).